Why 'Eating Tide PODS' The Internet's Favorite New Meme Isn't Funny

Eating Tide PODS are all the rage, but should we really be doing it?

By Peter Rapine

Published 7 years ago in Funny

Eating Tide PODS are all the rage, but should we really be doing it?

Tide PODS, eating, memes, funny, lol, dank

Like many things in life, nothing is perfect and that includes one of the hottest memes at the moment, 'Eating Tide PODS'. By now you most certainly have seen a meme about people pretending to eat these laundry detergent capsules. Sure Tide PODS might look like a tasty treat and you like others might try to capitalize on their growing success, but we today are going to urge that you stop this horribly unfunny and overplayed meme.  Actually, we beg of you, please stop, please. 

Tide PODS, xanax, Twitter, Tweet

Twitter began to joke about Tide PODS back in December but it wasn't until last week that the meme hit critical mass. In 2018, we will stop getting fucked up on Xanax and start eating Tide PODS, as a joke of course. But like human nature, memes are fickle creatures who if not cared for and protected will grow to hurt themselves and others. 

Then this video happened, 'Furries Cooking with Tide Pods' and there was no going back. On the menu today we have TIde POD pizza, a special delicacy reserved for only the true cringe lords.  

 There are usually a few signifiers too look out for when trying to determine the type of community you find yourself in. A few I tend to look out for are Star Wars Prequel Memes, Furries and Hot Pocket memes. Prequel memes are usually the sign that you are interacting with children who grew to love the god-awful saga of Hayden Christensen and his whiny Darth Vader transformation, while the other two are pretty self-explanatory. And Tide PODS, well, Tide PODS have just about all three of these categories covered. 

Hot Pockets, Tide PODS, Memes, Dank

Tide PODS, Memes, Star Wars, Prequel Memes

And finally, what this has all been leading up to, is the nail in the coffin, the end of the meme roach, usually signified by some stoner dude reappropriating some bullshit meme he saw while scrolling through Instagram, the dab. No matter what it is, if you can smoke it and meme it some idiot is sure as hell going to try. This ladies and gents is when you know it's time to sell your investments and move along. Presenting the 'Tide PODS Dab', the death of an unfunny meme. 

Don't feel bad telling your friends that their Tide POD memes are stupid because if you don't then you're not such a good friend are you. 

Drinking Bleach, Memes